HAMILTON: 905-643-2854
FAX NUMBER: 905-643-6641
EMAIL: info@f-msigns.com
Individual Letter Signs
Individual letter signs offer a wide variety of design choices for your exterior sign. From non-illuminated, illuminated or halo-lit to various materials such as plexiglas, PVC, high density foam, brushed aluminum, as well as many colour options. F&M signs is also expert at building unique, individualized 'canned' letters, hand welded to your requirements and using cost-saving LED lighting (see the Innsville image below).
Here are more details about what F&M Signs can offer:
  • Design, manufacture and installation
  • Built to customer's specifications or custom design
  • Reletter or supply new plexi, lexan or flexface
  • Full service of electrical signs
  • F&M will obtain all necessary Permits
  • All components are CSA approved
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